Rise above Job Insecurity & Reclaim Your true self

March 6, 2023


If I look through the eyes of my 10 years younger self, I was every now and then afraid of losing my job. This, I would say, was not good practice to continuously be anxious about getting fired. Fast forward to today. I have now moved ahead in life and am very mindful of myself. This article will serve as a guide for avoiding the psychological fallout of job insecurity. If you are still worried about your job, it might make you disorganized, so go through this article and note down the point you agree with most strongly.

Curtin University, after conducting a survey over a 9-year period among 1046 employees, found interesting facts about behavior change. They said that chronic job insecurity can lead to declines in agreeability and social competence. This research indicates that job insecurity has significant psychological consequences when encountered over a lengthy period of time.


Work insecurity, according to the experts, causes extended bouts of stress, which can result in long-term psychological changes, such as making people more tense, less disciplined, less orderly, and more disagreeable.

Many times, it is not our fault also to feel like this. In today's economy, competition has increased, and everyone wants automation to increase productivity. In this time of economic uncertainty, you might be unsure about your future and financial stability. And I believe this is having a big impact on your personality. You know your true identity and your true nature, and you want to maintain them, but unintentionally, we change.

You might be confused now about why personality traits are focused on job insecurity. Here are six checkpoints to see if you have true security or not:

  1. You always feel a sense of anxiety or uncertainty working in your current job role or financial situation, despite feeling relatively secure.
  2. You are constantly seeking more money, material possessions, or status symbols as a way to feel more secure.
  3. You are making external factors to define you. External factors such as job stability, income, or social status to show your sense of security.
  4. You struggle to prioritise long-term financial planning or investment in your personal growth and development because you're focused on short-term stability.
  5. You tend to avoid taking risks or pursuing opportunities that may not offer immediate security, even if they align with your values and goals.
  6. You may find yourself becoming more withdrawn or irritable, or you may lose interest in activities that you previously enjoyed. 

If any of this sounds familiar to you, it may be worth examining your beliefs and behaviors around security to ensure that you're not confusing temporary stability with true security.

Let's define Job Insecurity First


We are referring to "job insecurity" as the fear, anxiety, or uncertainty an employee experiences regarding the continuity of their job. It is a feeling of instability or not having a guaranteed job that comes from various factors such as economic downturns, company restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, automation, or changes in industry trends. Job insecurity can affect an employee's mental health, motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction, and can ultimately lead to job loss, financial strain, and other negative consequences.

According to New York Times Best-Selling Author John Hari, 87% of people in our culture do not like their jobs, with 24% actually hating their jobs. 63% of what they called "sleepwalking" through work we don't like. He cites studies that show Australian social scientist Michael Marmot discovered that feeling controlled with few choices at work makes people more likely to become depressed and even more likely to have a stress-related heart attack.  John mentioned that as human beings, we have natural psychological needs, and if these needs are deprived, we experience extreme forms of distress.

Personality and Its Importance


Your personality shapes your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and is an essential component of your identity. Your personality can have a major influence on employee satisfaction and performance in the workplace. Individuals who are extroverted and assertive, for example, may thrive in sales or management, whereas those who are more introverted and detail-oriented may shine in bookkeeping or study.

Job uncertainty is clearly linked to psychological change. Individuals who experience employment insecurity are more likely to display neuroticism, a personality characteristic characterized by worry, dread, and emotional instability, according to research. This can have a number of bad consequences, including decreased work satisfaction, poor performance, and even bodily health issues.

"Most people never feel secure because they are always worried that they will lose their job, lose the money they already have, lose their spouse, lose their health, and so on. The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way, that you are increasing the caliber of who you are, and that you are valuable to your company, your friends, and your family." - Tony Robbins

Ways to manage your anxiety and concerns around job security

  • Recognize your fear 

You have to accept that right now you are experiencing rapid and unknown circumstances. You have to think about yourself and agree that your anxiety exists. Then you can think of the aspects you can control. This self-awareness will allow you to start dissolving your worries. So, strive not to be scared to confront your fears. Stop imagining "what ifs," and instead embrace concentrating on "what can I do about it?"

  • What is in your control 

Look with an open mind at what you have in your life that you can control. Most of the time when you are anxious, you will lose perspective, and someone else will be controlling your life. Let me be very clear about it, you can and have always had the ability to control how you perform, how you act, and how you come across, so do what you can to confirm the value you bring to your business. Just trust yourself. Let go of anxiety and try to increase productivity levels.

  • Don’t suffer in silence 

Discuss your concerns with senior people who can help you answer the questions you have. You can always ask what the future is going to be like and what your role in it is. Clear up the tensions in your head. We often feel reluctant to ask for help because it shows signs of weakness. But it is quite the opposite, it says that you are a hardworking and dedicated employee and want to work with continuous learning. 

  • Situation cannot always be negative 

When facing changes in your job, focus on the positives and potential opportunities they may bring, such as new responsibilities or skills that could boost your employability. Create a manageable plan and set personal goals, taking it one step at a time and recognizing your successes along the way. 

  • SMART objectives
  • These include Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goals. This can make your life much easier and give you a path to move forward. Make sure to pen these down and stay motivated towards the target.
  • Be on Drivers Seat Now
  • Use any additional time during the crisis to prepare for the future by researching training materials, attending webinars, reading and listening to podcasts, and updating your CV and LinkedIn profile. Being productive in this way will help you to alleviate anxiety and make you feel calmer. You need to reconnect with old colleagues and other business contacts as networking is a powerful tool and can help you feel less isolated and anxious during these uncertain times.
  • Treat Yourself
  • The main idea here is the importance of practicing self-care. Get enough sleep and limit media consumption and avoid excessive use of technology. These measures can help reduce anxiety and maintain good mental and physical wellbeing. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that some days may be more difficult than others and to be kind to oneself during times of change and uncertainty.
  • Have a Hobby
  • You should build up taking something outside your normal practice of work. Engage in activities and hobbies that you enjoy, which are unrelated to your job or profession. For instance, you might have a desire to learn a new language or to play a musical instrument. Alternatively, you could take up a sports or fitness challenge to relieve stress and enhance your overall well-being. Pursuing your interests is an excellent way to keep your mind occupied and, in turn, prevent anxieties from overwhelming you.

Your beliefs about security can either hold you back or propel you forward. To achieve true security, you need to be willing to take calculated risks and step outside of your comfort zone.  Building wealth and financial stability requires a long-term strategy that goes beyond just saving money. You need to invest in yourself and your skills, as well as diversify your income streams, to weather economic changes.

Fear and uncertainty are natural human responses to change, but they don't have to control your actions. By reframing your mindset around change and uncertainty, you can develop exceptional ways to thrive in any situation.

Are you feeling lost or uncertain about your career path? Are you struggling to adapt to changes in your workplace or industry? 

Together, we can work to identify your strengths and passions, and develop a plan for achieving your career goals. With my support, you can navigate the changing landscape of work and emerge stronger and more confident than ever before. 

Imagine feeling empowered and in control of your career, with a clear path forward and the skills and knowledge to succeed. With my guidance, you can achieve the success and fulfillment you deserve. I will help you build confidence, develop new skills, and create opportunities for growth and advancement.

Don't wait any longer to take control of your career. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Together, we can overcome any challenge and achieve your career goals.

That's all I had for today, I’ll see you in my next post.